Dr. Langdon Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Early July, 2012.
Item No. SR061P - Dr. Langdon Painted Head Sculpt
*Price: $250 USD + $35 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Artist custom painted head sculpt.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.
Item No. SR061U - Dr. Langdon Unpainted Head Sculpt
Sold Out
(For Korean) 닥터 랭던 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 7월초 배송예정.
도색 버전 25만원(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)
(우체국 착불택배 배송 )
1/6 Scale Cryptex with Case.
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Early July, 2012.
Item No. SR061CP - Painted Cryptex with Case
*Price: $150 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Artist custom painted Cryptex with Case.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.
(For Korean) 크립텍스와 케이스/ 선주문/ 2012년 7월초 배송예정.
도색 버전 15만원(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)
(우체국 착불택배 배송 )
Dr. Langdon Full Custom Set
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Early July, 2012.
Item No. SR061K - Dr. Langdon Full Custom Kit(Except Body)
*Price: $900 USD + $40 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Hand made full custom Set.
*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.
*It will be shipped on Early July. 2012.
*Full custom works by Serang Kim
Head sculpt + Cryptex with Case+ Shoes + High quality custom made Clothing; black shirts + grey suit + Certification card + High quality collection box included.
(For Korean) 한정판 닥터 랭던 풀 커스텀 피겨/ 선주문/ 2012년 7월 초 배송예정.
*헤드 + 크립텍스와 케이스 + 커스텀 구두 + 고급 수제 의상; 블랙 셔츠와 그레이 수트 + 인증서 + 고급 피겨 박스 포함.
*가격: 90만원
*우체국 착불택배 배송