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by serang
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'Art Shop'에 해당되는 글 24건

  1. 2013.05.02
    Serang's 'Great Admiral Yi Sun-Shin' Art Figure 9
  2. 2013.01.19
    OBG14 'Dragon Suit Man'.
  3. 2012.08.04
    OBG13 'Vincent Van Gogh' PRE-ORDER NOW! 8
  4. 2012.08.04
    OBG13 'Vincent Van Gogh'.
  5. 2012.07.07
    OBG12 Ludwig Van Beethoven.
  6. 2012.06.10
    Dr. Langdon
  7. 2012.04.09
    Hendrix Now Available!
  8. 2012.04.08
    Jimi Hendrix 1
  9. 2012.03.12
    The Band Guitar
  10. 2012.03.12
    The Band
  11. 2012.03.12
    Abbey Road
  12. 2011.11.18
    Saving Private Ryan Series.
  13. 2011.06.01
    Serang's Collectable Custom Figures.
  14. 2011.05.04
    OBG001 Camera Man 'Dean' Pre-Order Now!
  15. 2011.03.21
    Medical Team Final.
  16. 2011.01.19
    Full Custom Miller Shipped Out Today.
  17. 2010.11.20
    2nd Ver. Miller Pre-Order Now!
  18. 2010.08.04
    Spartacus Warrior Version - Pre-order Now! 5
  19. 2010.07.05
    Pre-Order Now! - Spartacus The Champion. 4
  20. 2010.04.24
    Now On Pre-Order - Iron Cross Awardee 'Steiner'.

Serang's 'Great Admiral Yi Sun-Shin' Art Figure Pre-Order

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More Details coming soon

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July

*Shipping Fee: $45 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

Item No. SAF01B 

'Great Admiral Yi Sun-Shin' Basic Type Art Figure

*Price: $ 1,750USD SOLD OUT

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on late July. 2013.

*Created by Serang

*Included; Body + One head sculpt + 4 Hands(2 Pair) + Hat + Stick + Shoes + Clothing(10 Pieces) + Certification card + High quality figure box 

For Korean) Item No. SAF01B 

'충무공 이순신 장군' 기본형 아트 피겨

가격 175만원 SOLD OUT

아티스트의 한정판 선주문 수작업 작품/ 7월 말 우체국 착불 택배 배송예정/ 

구성; 바디 + 헤드 + 2쌍의 손 파츠 + 총 10가지로 구성된 구군복 의상 세트 + 등채(지휘봉) + 전립(모자) + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 피겨 케이스

Item No. SAF01A 

'Great Admiral Yi Sun-Shin' Armed Type Art Figure

*Price: $ 2,700USD SOLD OUT

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on late July. 2013.

*Created by Serang

*Included; Body + One head sculpt + 4 Hands(2 Pair) + Hat + Stick + Shoes + Clothing(10 Pieces) + Sword with belt + Arrow with case + Bow with case + Bow belt + Folding chair with tiger carpet + Certification card + High quality figure box 

For Korean) Item No. SAF01A

'충무공 이순신 장군' 구군복 무장 아트 피겨

가격 270만원

아티스트의 한정판 선주문 수작업 작품/ 7월 말 우체국 착불 택배 배송예정/ 

구성; 바디 + 헤드 + 2쌍의 손 파츠 + 총 10가지로 구성된 구군복 의상 세트 + 등채(지휘봉) + 전립(모자) + 환도(어피형)와 띠 + 활과 화살 + 궁대와 시복및 띠 + 교의(접의자)와 호랑이 가죽 깔개 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 피겨 케이스

Item No. SAF01F 

'Great Admiral Yi Sun-Shin' Full Armored Type Art Figure

*Price: $ 4,000USD SOLD OUT

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on late July. 2013.

*Created by Serang

*Included; Body + One head sculpt + 4 Hands(2 Pair) + Hat + Stick + Shoes + Clothing(10 Pieces) + Sword with belt + Arrow with case + Bow with case + Bow belt + Folding chair with tiger carpet + Helmet and armor + Yi's black sword with belt + Certification card + High quality figure box 

For Korean) Item No. SAF01F 

'충무공 이순신 장군' 두정갑 무장 아트 피겨

가격 400만원 SOLD OUT

아티스트의 한정판 선주문 수작업 작품/ 7월 말 우체국 착불 택배 배송예정/ 

구성; 바디 + 헤드 + 2쌍의 손 파츠 + 총 10가지로 구성된 구군복 의상 세트 + 등채(지휘봉) + 전립(모자) + 환도(어피형)와 띠 + 활과 화살 + 궁대와 시복및 띠 + 교의(접의자)와 호랑이 가죽 깔개 + 용봉문 원수 투구 + 두정갑옷 세트(허리 보호대및 비갑 포함) + 이순신 장군 쌍룡검과 띠 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 피겨 케이스


Instruments for Dragon Suit Man

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View More Details01 Details02

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early March

*Shipping Fee; $25 EMS shipping Fee(Worldwide)

Item No. PG01U Unpainted Gibson Les Paul Guitar DIY Kit

Price; $200

Item No. PG02U Unpainted SG Double Neck Guitar DIY Kit

Price; $300

Item No. PG03U Unpainted Violin Bow DIY Kit

Price; $30

Item No. PG04U Unpainted VOX Wha-Wha pedal DIY Kit

Price; $30

*Unpainted DIY kit will be need your hand skill and some tools.

*Unpainted, Un-assembled Resin casted DIY kit.

*Included resin parts with some material.

Item No. PG01P - Painted Gibson Les Paul Guitar

Price; $400

Item No. PG02P - Painted SG Double Neck Guitar

Price; $500

Item No. PG03P - Painted Violin Bow

Price; $60

Item No. PG04P - Painted VOX Wha-Wha pedal

Price; $70

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.

It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  

*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Handmade shoulder strap, Certification card included.

Built and painted by Serang. 

Dragon Suit Man Head Sculpt

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View More Details01 Details02

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early March.

*Shipping Fee: $25 EMS Shipping(Worldwide)

Item No. OBG14DSMH Unpainted Dragon Suit Man Head Sculpt

Price $60

*Unpainted DIY kit will be need your hand skill and some tools.

Item No. OBG14DMPH Painted Dragon Suit Man Head Sculpt

Price $250

*High quality resin casted head sculpt.

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Painted version will be included Certification card + High quality collection box.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Dragon Suit Man Custom Kit Version

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View More Details01 Details02

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early March.

*Shippinmg Fee: $35 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

*Unpainted DIY kit will be need your hand skill and some tools.

Item No. OBG14DWUK 

Unpainted Dragon Suit Man 'White Version' DIY Kit (With out Body)

*Basic Price: $ 350USD

*Parts; head sculpt + Shoes + Necklace + Clothing.

*Clothing; Dragon printed white jacket + Dragon printed white trouser + scarf. 

Item No. OBG14DBUK 

Unpainted Dragon Suit Man 'Black Version' DIY Kit (With out Body)

*Basic Price: $ 450USD

*Parts; head sculpt + Shoes + Necklace + Clothing.

*Clothing; Dragon black jacket + Dragon black trouser + T-shirts. 

Optional Items,

1. Unpainted Serang's custom sculpted Hands Set - $ 50USD

2. Unpainted gibson Les Paul guitar DIY kit - $200

3. Unpainted SG double neck guitar DIY kit - $300

4. Unpainted violin bow DIY kit - $30

5. Unpainted VOX Wha-Wha Pedal DIY kit - $30

Item No. OBG14DWPK 

Painted Dragon Suit Man 'White Version' Custom Kit (With out Body)

*Basic Price: $ 600USD

*Parts; head sculpt + Shoes + Necklace + Clothing.

*Clothing; Dragon printed white jacket + Dragon printed white trouser + scarf. 

Item No. OBG14DBPK 

Painted Dragon Suit Man 'Black Version' Custom Kit (With out Body)

*Basic Price: $ 700USD

*Parts; head sculpt + Shoes + Necklace + Clothing.

*Clothing; Dragon black jacket + Dragon black trouser + T-shirts. 

Optional Items,

1. Painted Serang's custom sculpted Hands Set - $100USD

2. Painted gibson Les Paul guitar kit - $400

3. Painted SG double neck guitar kit - $500

4. Painted violin bow - $60

5. Painted VOX Wha-Wha Pedal - $70

*Hand made full custom kit.(Body not included)

*It will be fit Hot Toys Body.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Early March. 2013.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

Dragon Suit Man Full Custom Figures

Order Now

View More Details01 Details02

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early March.

*Shippinmg Fee: $40 EMS shipping(Worldwide)


Dragon Suit Man 'White Version' Full Custom Figure

*Basic Price: $ 800USD

*Included Serang's custom hands set.

*Full custom figure, created by Serang

Item No. OBG14DMWCF 

Dragon Suit Man 'Black Version' Full Custom Figure

*Basic Price: $ 900USD

*Included Serang's custom hands set.

*Full custom figure, created by Serang

Optional Items,

1. Painted gibson Les Paul guitar kit - $400

2. Painted SG double neck guitar kit - $500

3. Painted violin bow - $60

4. Painted VOX Wha-Wha Pedal - $70

Item No. OBG14DMDX Dragon Suit Man Full Custom Figure DX

*Special Price: $ 2000USD(Saved $130) 

1. Include One Body + One head sculpt + One Shoes with Necklace + White suit with scarf + Black suit with scarf + Gibson Les Paul guitar + SG double neck guitar + Violin bow + VOX Wha-Wha pedal.

*Hand made full custom Figure.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on End of October. 2012.

*Created by Serang Kim

Item No. OBG14DMGP Dragon Suit Man Full Custom Figure Grand Package

*Special Price: $ 2,550USD(Saved $180)

1. Included everything.

2. 'White Version' full custom figure with Les Paul guitar + Black suit version full custom figure with SG double neck guitar with Violin bow + VOX Wha-Wha pedal.

3. You can displayed two separate figures.

*Hand made full custom Figure.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Early March 2013.

*Created by Serang Kim

(For Korean)미니어처 악기/ 선주문/ 2013년 3월초 우체국 착불택배 배송예정.

Item No. PG01U 미도색 깁슨 레스폴 기타 DIY Kit - 20만원

Item No. PG02U 미도색 SG 더블 넥 기타 DIY Kit - 30만원

Item No. PG03U 미도색 바이올린 활 DIY Kit - 3만원

Item No. PG04U 미도색 VOX 와와 기타 페달 DIY Kit - 3만원

Item No. PG01P 도색완성 깁슨 레스폴 기타 - 40만원

Item No. PG02P 도색완성 SG 더블넥 기타 - 50만원

Item No. PG03P 도색완성 바이올린 활 - 6만원

Item No. PG04P 도색완성 VOX 와와 기타 페달 - 7만원

'드래곤 수트 맨' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2013년 3월초 우체국 착불택배 배송예정.

Item No. OBG14DSMH 미도색 '드래곤 수트 맨' 헤드 - 6만원

Item No. OBG14DSPH 도색 '드래곤 수트 맨' 헤드 - 25만원

(도색버전은 한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

한정판 '드래곤 수트 맨' 커스텀 키트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2013년 3월초 우체국 착불택배 배송예정

Item No. OBG14DWUK 미도색 '드래곤 수트 맨' 화이트 버전 DIY 키트

가격 35만원

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 구두 + 목걸이

*의상; 자켓 + 바지 + 스카프

Item No. OBG14DBUK 미도색 '드래곤 수트 맨' 블랙 버전 커스텀 키트

가격 45만원

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 구두 + 목걸이

*의상; 자켓 + 바지 + 티셔츠(블랙 버전)

*추가 구매 옵션

1. 미도색 커스텀 핸즈 한쌍 - 5만원.

2. 미도색 깁슨 레스폴 기타 DIY 키트(레진및 금속 재료들 포함) - 20만원.

3. 미도색 SG 더블 넥 기타 DIY 키트(레진및 금속 재료들 포함) - 30만원.

4. 미도색 바이올린 활 DIY 키트 - 3만원

5. 미도색 VOX 와와 페달 DIY 키트 - 3만원

Item No. OBG14DWPK 도색 '드래곤 수트 맨' 화이트 버전 커스텀 키트

가격 60만원

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 구두 + 목걸이

*의상; 자켓 + 바지 + 스카프

Item No. OBG14DBPK 도색 '드래곤 수트 맨' 블랙 버전 커스텀 키트

가격 70만원

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 구두 + 목걸이

*의상; 자켓 + 바지 + 티셔츠

*추가 구매 옵션

1. 커스텀 핸즈 한쌍 - 10만원.

2. 깁슨 레스폴 기타 - 40만원.

3. SG 더블 넥 기타 - 50만원.

4. 바이올린 활 - 6만원

5. VOX 와와 기타 페달 - 7만원

한정판 '드래곤 수트 맨' 풀커스텀 피겨/ 선주문/ 2013년 월말 우체국 착불택배 배송예정

Item No. OBG14DMWCF '드래곤 수트 맨' 화이트 버전 풀 커스텀 피겨

기본가격; 80만원.

*구성; 헤드 + 구두 + 목걸이 + 커스텀 손 파츠.

*의상; 자켓 + 바지 + 스카프.

Item No. OBG14DMBCF '드래곤 수트 맨' 블랙 버전 풀 커스텀 피겨

기본가격; 80만원.

*구성; 헤드 + 구두 + 목걸이 + 커스텀 손 파츠.

*의상; 자켓 + 티셔츠 + 바지.

*추가 구매 옵션

1. 깁슨 레스폴 기타 40만원

2. SG 더블 넥 기타 50만원

3. 바이올린 활 6만원

4. VOX 와와 기타 페달 - 7만원

Item No. OBG14VGDX '드래곤 수트 맨' 풀 커스텀 피겨 DX

특별가; 200만원.

*구성; 하나의 바디 + 헤드 하나 + 한쌍의 전용 핸즈 + 한조의 구두 + 목걸이 한개 + 화이트 버전 의상 + 블랙 버전 의상 + 깁슨 레스폴 기타 + SG 더블넥 기타 + 바이올린 활 + VOX 와와 기타 페달.

Item No. OBG14DMGP '드래곤 수트 맨' 풀 커스텀 피겨 그랜드 패키지

특별가; 255만원.

완벽하게 구성된 독립된 두체의 피겨 패키지.

화이트 버전과 블랙 버전 피겨와 두대의 기타, 기타 액세서리들이 모두 포함.



Vincent Van Gogh Head Sculpt

Order Now

View More Details 01, 02, 03

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late October

*Shipping Fee: $25 EMS Shipping(Worldwide)

Item No. OBG13VGUH

Unpainted Vincent Van Gogh Head Sculpt With Hat and Pipe


Item No. OBG13VGPH

Painted Vincent Van Gogh Head Sculpt With Hat and Pipe


*High quality resin casted head sculpt.

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Painted version will be included Certification card + High quality collection box.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

(For Korean) 빈센트 반 고흐 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 9월말 배송예정.

Item No. OBG13VGUH 미도색 빈센트 반 고흐 헤드(모자, 파이프 포함) - 9만원

Item No. OBG13BCUS 도색 빈센트 반 고흐 헤드(모자, 파이프 포함) - 27만원

(도색버전은 한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Vincent Van Gogh Custom Kit (With out Body)

Order Now

View More Details 010203

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: SOLD OUT

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late October.

*Shippinmg Fee: $35 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

Item No. OBG13VGUK

Unpainted Vincent Van Gogh Custom Kit (With out Body)


*Parts; head sculpt + Hat + Pipe + Boots + Clothing.

*Clothing; All brand new, no weathered clothing.

Beige Shirts + Dark Grey Pants+ Dark Saige Jacket + Dark Blue Smock.


1. Unpainted Serang's custom sculpted Hands Set for Gogh. - $ 50USD

2. Unpainted Easel Kit(Resin Parts with metal materials) - $ 100USD

3. Unpainted Folding Chair Kit(Wood parts with materials) - $ 50USD

4. Unpainted Painter Box With Supplies Kit(Resin Parts with materials) - $ 200USD

5. Reprinted Gogh's Painting(Printed Fabric) 3 pieces Set - $ 15USD

6. Unpainted Canvas Frame Kit(Resin, Type 1 - 153mm X 122mm + Type 2 - 98mm X 78mm) - $ 50USD

Item No. OBG13VGPK

Painted Vincent Van Gogh Custom Kit (With out Body)


*Parts; head sculpt + Hat + Pipe + Boots + Clothing.

*Clothing; All brand new, no weathered clothing.

Beige Shirts + Dark Grey Pants+ Dark Saige Jacket + Dark Blue Smock.


1. Painted Serang's custom sculpted Hands Set for Gogh. - $ 100USD

2. Painted Easel - $ 200USD

3. Painted Folding Chair - $ 100USD

4. Painted Painter Box With Supplies - $ 350USD

5. Reprinted Gogh's Painting(Printed Fabric) 3 pieces Set - $ 15USD

6. Canvas Frame 2 Set(Resin, Type 1 - 153mm X 122mm + Type 2 - 98mm X 78mm) - $ 90USD

7. Custom Weathering Option(Weathered on clothing and Painter Box) - $ 150USD

*Hand made full custom kit.(Body not included)

*It will be fit Hot Toys Body.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Late October. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For Korean) 한정판 빈센트 반 고흐 커스텀 키트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2012년 9월말 배송예정/ 우체국 착불택배 배송.

Item No. OBG13VGUK - 미도색 빈센트 반 고흐 커스텀 키트 - SOLD OUT

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 모자 + 파이프.

*의상(웨더링 없이 깨끗한 새 의상); 셔츠 + 바지 + 자켓 + 스모크(작업복) + 신발


1. 미도색 커스텀 핸즈 한쌍 - 5만원.

2. 미도색 이젤 키트(레진및 금속 재료들 포함) - 10만원.

3. 미도색 접의자 키트(목재 각재및 천과 금속 재료 포함) - 5만원.

4. 미도색 화구 박스및 구성물 키트(레진 부품및 일부 금속 재료 포함) - 20만원.

5. 1/6 스케일 고흐 작품 리프린트 3종 세트 - 15,000원.

6. 미도색 캔버스 프레임 키트(2종의 캔버스 프레임 재현) - 5만원.

Item No. OBG13VGPK - 도색 빈센트 반 고흐 커스텀 키트 - SOLD OUT

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 모자 + 파이프.

*의상(웨더링 없이 깨끗한 새 의상); 셔츠 + 바지 + 자켓 + 스모크(작업복) + 신발


1. 도색 커스텀 핸즈 한쌍 - 10만원.

2. 도색 이젤(레진및 금속 재료들 포함) - 20만원.

3. 도색 접의자(목재 각재및 천과 금속 재료 포함) -10만원.

4. 도색 화구 박스및 구성물(레진 부품및 일부 금속 재료 포함) - 35만원.

5. 1/6 스케일 고흐 작품 리프린트 3종 세트 - 15,000원.

6. 도색 캔버스 프레임(2종의 캔버스 프레임 재현) - 9만원.

7. 커스텀 웨더링 옵션(의상과 화구박스 웨더링) - 15만원.

Vincent Van Gogh Full Custom Figure

Order Now

View More Details 010203

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: SOLD OUT

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late October.

*Shippinmg Fee: $35 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

Item No. OBG13VGCF - Vincent Van Gogh Full Custom Figure

*Parts; head sculpt + Hat + Pipe + Boots + Body.

*Clothing; All Brand New, No Weathered Clothing.

Beige Shirts + Dark Grey Pants+ Dark Saige Jacket + Dark Blue Smock.


1. Painted Serang's custom sculpted Hands Set for Gogh. - $ 100USD

2. Painted 1/6 Scale Easel - $ 200USD

3. Painted 1/6 Scale Folding Chair - $ 100USD

4. Painted 1.6 Scale Painter Box With Supplies - $ 350USD

5. Reprinted Gogh's Painting(Printed Fabric) 3 pieces Set - $ 15USD

6. Canvas Frame 2 Set(Resin, Type 1 - 153mm X 122mm + Type 2 - 98mm X 78mm) - $ 90USD

7. Custom Weathering Option(Weathered on clothing and Painter Box) - $ 150USD 

Item No. OBG12VGDX

Vincent Van Gogh Full Custom Figure DX

*Special Price: $ 1,600USD


1. Include every options with special price!

2. Included 1/6 Scale Gogh's painting 'Weat field With Crows', 'Starry Night', 'Sunflower', just like my final photos.

3. Included 1/6 scale Gogh's painting 13 pieces special set. 

*Hand made full custom Figure.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on End of October. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For Korean) 한정판 빈센트 반 고흐 풀커스텀 피겨/ 선주문/ 2012년 9월말 배송예정/ 우체국 착불택배 배송.

Item No. OBG13VGCF 빈센트 반 고흐 베이직 풀 커스텀 피겨

*구성; 헤드 + 모자 + 파이프.

*의상(웨더링 없이 깨끗한 새 의상); 셔츠 + 바지 + 자켓 + 스모크(작업복) + 신발


1. 도색 커스텀 핸즈 한쌍 - 10만원.

2. 도색 이젤(레진및 금속 재료들 포함) - 20만원.

3. 도색 접의자(목재 각재및 천과 금속 재료 포함) -10만원.

4. 도색 화구 박스및 구성물(레진 부품및 일부 금속 재료 포함) - 35만원.

5. 1/6 스케일 고흐 작품 리프린트 3종 세트 - 15,000원.

6. 도색 캔버스 프레임(2종의 캔버스 프레임 재현) - 9만원.

7. 커스텀 웨더링 옵션(의상과 화구박스 웨더링) - 15만원.

Item No. OBG12VGDX 빈센트 반 고흐 풀 커스텀 피겨 DX

모든 구성품과 옵션이 포함되고 완성예 처럼 고흐의 작품 '까마귀 나는 밀밭', '별이 빛나는 밤', '해바라기'가 포함된 디럭스 구성을 특별한 가격에 제공합니다.

아울러 고흐의 자화상을 비롯한 대표작 13종 프린트가 추가로 제공됩니다.


Beethoven Head Sculpt

Order Now

View More Details - Composer Version

View More Details - Maestro Version

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: End of August.

*Shipping Fee: $25 EMS Shipping(Worldwide)

*High quality resin casted head sculpt.

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Painted version will be included Certification card + High quality collection box.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG12BCPS 

Painted Beethoven 'Composer' Head Sculpt

Price $250

Item No. OBG12BCUS 

Sold Out

Item No. OBG12BMPS 

Painted Beethoven 'Maestro' Head Sculpt

Price $250

Item No. OBG12BMUS 

Sold Out

(For Korean) 베토벤 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 8월말 배송예정.(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. OBG12BCPS 도색 베토벤 작곡가 버전 헤드 - 25만원

Item No. OBG12BMPS 도색 베토벤 지휘자 버전 헤드 - 25만원

(도색버전은 한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

Beethoven Custom Kit (With out Body)

Order Now

View More Details - Composer Version

View More Details - Maestro Version

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: End of August.

*Shippinmg Fee: $35 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

*Hand made full custom kit.(Body not included)

*It will be fit Hot Toys Body.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on End of August. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

Item No. OBG12BCPK 

Sold Out

*Parts; head sculpt + Hands + Shoes + Hearing aid + Score sheet(3 pieces) + Feather Pen.

*Clothing; Waist Belt(Maternity Belt) + Men's Shirts + Tan Color Fall Front Pants + Suspenders + Dark Red Necktie + Dark Grey Waist Coat(Vest) + Dark Brown Overcoat + Black Cloak(Cape).

Item No. OBG12BCUK 

Sold Out

Item No. OBG12BMPK 

Sold Out

*Parts; head sculpt + Hands + Shoes + Baton + Score Book.

*Clothing; Waist Belt(Maternity Belt) + Men's Shirts + Cream Color Slim Fit Fall Front Pants + White Necktie + Champagne Gold Waist Coat(Vest) + Dark Blue Tailcoat.

Item No. OBG12BMUK 

Sold Out

(For Korean) 한정판 베토벤 커스텀 키트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2012년 8월말 배송예정/ 우체국 착불택배 배송.

Item No. OBG12BCUK 미도색 베토벤 작곡가 버전 커스텀 키트 - 절판

Item No. OBG12BCPK 도색 베토벤 작곡가 버전 커스텀 키트 -  절판

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 핸즈 + 신발 + 보청기 + 깃털펜 + 낱장 악보 3매.

*의상; 체형 보정 복대 + 셔츠 + 바지 + 멜빵 + 암적색 넥타이 + 조끼 + 오버코트 + 망토.

Item No. OBG12BMUK 미도색 베토벤 지휘자 버전 커스텀 키트 - 절판

Item No. OBG12BMPK 도색 베토벤 지휘자 버전 커스텀 키트 - 절판

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 핸즈 + 신발 + 지휘봉 + 악보책.

*의상; 체형 보정 복대 + 셔츠 + 슬림 핏 바지 + 흰색 넥타이 + 조끼 + 연미복.

Beethoven Full Custom Figure

Order Now

View More Details - Composer Version

View More Details - Maestro Version

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: End of August.

*Shippinmg Fee: $35 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

*Hand made full custom Figure.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on End of August. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

Item No. OBG12BCF

Beethoven 'Composer Version' Full Custom Figure

Sold Out

*Parts; head sculpt + Hands + Shoes + Hearing aid + Score sheet(3 pieces) + Feather Pen.

*Clothing; Waist Belt(Maternity Belt) + Men's Shirts + Tan Color Fall Front Pants + Suspenders + Dark Red Necktie + Dark Grey Waist Coat(Vest) + Dark Brown Overcoat + Black Cloak(Cape).

Item No. OBG12BMF

Beethoven 'Maestro Version' Full Custom Figure

Sold Out

*Parts; head sculpt + Hands + Shoes + Baton + Score Book.

*Clothing; Waist Belt(Maternity Belt) + Men's Shirts + Cream Color Slim Fit Fall Front Pants + White Necktie + Champagne Gold Waist Coat(Vest) + Dark Blue Tailcoat.

Item No. OBG12BCFP

Beethoven Complete Package

Sold Out

*Beethoven 'Composer Version' Figure + 'Maestro Version' Figure with all accessories.  

(For Korean) 한정판 베토벤 풀커스텀 피겨/ 선주문/ 2012년 8월말 배송예정/ 우체국 착불택배 배송.

Item No. OBG12BCF 베토벤 작곡가 버전 풀 커스텀 피겨 - Sold Out

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 핸즈 + 신발 + 보청기 + 깃털펜 + 낱장 악보 3매.

*의상; 체형 보정 복대 + 셔츠 + 바지 + 멜빵 + 암적색 넥타이 + 조끼 + 오버코트 + 망토.

Item No. OBG12BMF 베토벤 지휘자 버전 풀 커스텀 피겨 - Sold Out

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 핸즈 + 신발 + 지휘봉 + 악보책.

*의상; 체형 보정 복대 + 셔츠 + 슬림 핏 바지 + 흰색 넥타이 + 조끼 + 연미복.

Item No. OBG12BCFP 베토벤 컴플리트 피겨 패키지 - Sold Out

*완벽히 독립된 두체의 베토벤 '작곡가 버전' + '지휘자 버전' 피겨 세트.


Dr. Langdon Head Sculpt

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Early July, 2012.

Item No. SR061P - Dr. Langdon Painted Head Sculpt
*Price: $250 USD + $35 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. SR061U - Dr. Langdon Unpainted Head Sculpt

Sold Out

(For Korean) 닥터 랭던 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 7월초 배송예정.

도색 버전 25만원(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

1/6 Scale Cryptex with Case.

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Early July, 2012.

Item No. SR061CP - Painted Cryptex with Case
*Price: $150 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted Cryptex with Case.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

(For Korean) 크립텍스와 케이스/ 선주문/ 2012년 7월초 배송예정.

도색 버전 15만원(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Dr. Langdon Full Custom Set

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Early July, 2012.

Item No. SR061K - Dr. Langdon Full Custom Kit(Except Body)
*Price: $900 USD + $40 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Hand made full custom Set.
*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.
*It will be shipped on Early July. 2012.
*Full custom works by Serang Kim

Head sculpt + Cryptex with Case+ Shoes + High quality custom made Clothing; black shirts + grey suit + Certification card + High quality collection box included.

(For Korean) 한정판 닥터 랭던 풀 커스텀 피겨/ 선주문/ 2012년 7월 초 배송예정.
*헤드 + 크립텍스와 케이스 + 커스텀 구두 + 고급 수제 의상; 블랙 셔츠와 그레이 수트 + 인증서 + 고급 피겨 박스 포함.
*가격: 90만원
*우체국 착불택배 배송



*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early June.

Item No. HG01A - Painted Sunburst Stratocaster Guitar

*Price; $430 USD + $25 EMS shipping (Worldwide)

Item No. HG01B - Unpainted Sunburst Stratocaster Guitar

*Price; $150 USD + $25 EMS shipping (Worldwide)

*Unpainted version will be need your hand skill and need some tools.

Item No. HG02A - Painted Monterey Special Guitar

*Price; $450 USD + $25 EMS shipping (Worldwide)

Item No. HG02B - Unpainted Monterey Special Guitar

*Price; $170 USD + $25 EMS shipping (Worldwide)

*Special Painting Decal included.

*Unpainted version will be need your hand skill and need some tools.

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made 'Miniature Guitar'.

It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  

*High quality resin casted and gorgeous guitar, Handmade shoulder strap, Certification card included.

Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. MC01A - Painted Microphone with Stand.

*Price; $100 USD + $25 EMS shipping (Worldwide)

Item No. MC01B - Unpainted Microphone with Stand.

*Price; $70 USD + $25 EMS shipping (Worldwide)

*Unpainted version will be need your hand skill and need some tools.

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made 'Miniature Microphone with Stand'.

It is a 'NOT REAL', please DO NOT PLAYING.  

*High quality resin casted and gorgeous Microphone, Aluminum pipe with base.

Builded and painted by Serang. 

(For Korean) 선버스트 스트라토캐스터 기타/ 선주문/ 2012년 6월초 배송예정.

커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.

가격: 도색버전 43만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

        미도색버전 15만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

(For Korean) 몬테레이 스페셜 기타/ 선주문/ 2012년 6월초 배송예정.

커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.

가격: 도색버전 45만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

        미도색버전 17만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

(For Korean) 마이크 스탠드/ 선주문/ 2012년 6월초 배송예정.

마이크 + 알루미늄 스탠드 + 레진 베이스 포함.

가격: 도색버전 10만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

        미도색버전 7만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

Hendrix Head Sculpts

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early June.

*Shipping Fee: $25 EMS Shipping(Worldwide)

Item No. OBG11HBSP - Painted Hendrix Basic Head Sculpt

Basic Price $180(added Hair part price)

Item No. OBG11HVSP - Painted Hendrix Voodoo Head Sculpt

Basic Price $180(added Hair part price)

Item No. OBG11HRSP - Painted Hendrix Rock Spirit Head Sculpt

Basic Price $180(added Hair part price)

*Hair Parts Options

1. Basic Afro style hair part - $30 (head + Hair part= $210)

2. Hair band with hair part - $40 (head + Hair part + hair band= $220)

3. Hat with hair part - $80 (head + Hat + Hair part= $260)

*1 Head Sculpt + 3 Hair Parts with Hat = $300

*3 Head Sculpt + 3 Hair Parts with Hat = $650

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG11HBSU - Unpainted Hendrix Basic Head Sculpt

Basic Price $50(added Hair part price)

Item No. OBG11HVSU - Unpainted Hendrix Voodoo Head Sculpt

Basic Price $50(added Hair part price)

Item No. OBG11HRSU - Unpainted Hendrix Rock Spirit Head Sculpt

Basic Price $50(added Hair part price)

*Hair Parts Options

1. Basic Afro style hair part - $30 (head + Hair part= $80)

2. Hair band with hair part - $40 (head + Hair part + hair band= $90)

3. Hat with hair part - $70 (head + Hat + Hair part= $120)

*1 Head Sculpt + 3 Hair Parts with Hat = $190

*3 Head Sculpt + 3 Hair Parts with Hat = $290

*$25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*High quality resin casted head sculpt.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

(For Korean) 페인팅 헨드릭스 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 6월초 배송예정.

Item No. OBG11HBSP  헨드릭스 베이직 헤드 - 18만원(헤어파트 가격 추가됨) 

Item No. OBG11HVSP  헨드릭스 부두 헤드 - 18만원(헤어파트 가격 추가됨) 

Item No. OBG11HRSP  헨드릭스 롹스피릿 헤드 - 18만원(헤어파트 가격 추가됨) 

1. 헤드 + 아프로 헤어 파트 22만원 

2. 헤드 + 헤어밴드 스타일 23만원

3. 헤드 + 모자와 헤어파트 27만원

4. 1개의 헤드 + 3개의 헤어파트 30만원 

5. 3개의 헤드 + 3개의 헤어파트 65만원

(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 레진 헨드릭스 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 6월초 배송예정.

Item No. OBG11HBSU  미도색 베이직 헤드 - 5만원(헤어파트 가격 추가됨)

Item No. OBG11HVSU  미도색 부두 헤드 - 5만원(헤어파트 가격 추가됨)

Item No. OBG11HRSU  미도색 롹스피릿 헤드 - 5만원(헤어파트 가격 추가됨)

1. 헤드 + 아프로 헤어 파트 8만원 

2. 헤드 + 헤어밴드 스타일 9만원

3. 헤드 + 모자와 헤어파트 12만원. 

4. 1개의 헤드 + 3개의 헤어파트 19만원 

5. 3개의 헤드 + 3개의 헤어파트 29만원

(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Painted Hendrix Custom Kit (With out Body)

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Sold Out!

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early June.

*Shippinmg Fee: $25 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

Item No. OBG11PHMK Painted Hendrix Monterey Version Custom Kit

*Basic head sculpt with Hairband style hair part included.

*Monterey clothing with accessories included.

*Basic Price: $850 USD

Item No. OBG11PHHK Painted Hendrix Hussar Tunic Version Custom Kit

*Basic head sculpt with Afro style hair part included.

*Hussar tunic clothing with accessories included.

*Basic Price: $1,100 USD

Item No. OBG11PHCK Painted Hendrix Complete Custom Kit

*Basic head sculpt with Afro style hair part included.

*Monterey clothing with accessories + Hussar tunic & scarf added.

*Basic Price: $1,200 USD

 *Head Option

1. Afro style hair partv -$30

2. Hair band style hair part - $40

3. Hat with hair part - $80

4. Voodoo version head sculpt - $180

5. Rock spirit vesion head sculpt - $180 

*Guitar Option.

1. Sunburst Stratocaster guitar - $430

2. Monterey special guitar - $450


head sculpt + hair part + Clothing + Serang's custom hands + Serang's custom ankle boots + 2 type of medals(necklace) + Waist chain + brooch of left chest + Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Hand made full custom kit.(Body not included)

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Early June. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

Unpainted Hendrix Custom Kit (With out Body)

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/  Sold Out!

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early June.

*Shippinmg Fee: $25 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

Item No. OBG11UHMK - Unpainted Hendrix Monterey Version Custom Kit

*Basic head sculpt with Hairband style hair part included.

*Monterey clothing with accessories included.

*Basic Price: $650 USD

Item No. OBG11UHHK - Unpainted Hendrix Hussar Tunic Version Custom Kit

*Basic head sculpt with Afro style hair part included.

*Hussar tunic clothing with accessories included.

*Basic Price: $950 USD

Item No. OBG11UHCK - Unpainted Hendrix Complete Custom Kit

*Basic head sculpt with Afro style hair part included.

*Monterey clothing with accessories + Hussar tunic & scarf added.

*Basic Price: $1,050 USD

 *Head Option

1. Afro style hair part - $30

2. Hair band style hair part - $40

3. Hat with hair part - $70

4. Voodoo version head sculpt - $50

5. Rock spirit vesion head sculpt - $50

*Guitar Option.

1. Unpainted Sunburst Stratocaster guitar - $150

2. Unpainted Monterey special guitar - $170

(For Korean) 한정판 헨드릭스 커스텀 키트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2012년 6월 초 배송예정.

*베이직 헤드 + 헤어파트 + 커스텀 핸즈 + 커스텀 구두 + 의상 + 인증서 + 고급 피겨 박스 포함.

*우체국 착불택배 배송

Item No. OBG11PHMK 헨드릭스 몬테레이 버전 커스텀 키트 - 기본 가격 85만원

Item No. OBG11PHHK 헨드릭스 후사르 튜닉버전 커스텀 키트 - 기본 가격 110만원

Item No. OBG11PHCK 헨드릭스 컴플리트 커스텀 키트 - 기본 가격 120만원

Item No. OBG11UHMK 미도색 몬테레이 버전 커스텀 키트 - 기본 가격 65만원

Item No. OBG11UHHK 미도색 후사르 튜닉 버전 커스텀 키트 - 기본 가격 95만원

Item No. OBG11UHCK 미도색 컴플리트 커스텀 키트 - 기본 가격 105만원

*헤드 옵션

1. 아프로 헤어 파트 3만원

2. 헤어밴드 스타일 헤어 파트 4만원 

3. 모자와 헤어파트 8만원 - 미도색 버전 7만원

4. 부두 버전 헤드 18만원 - 미도색 버전 5만원

5. 롹 스피릿 버전 헤드 18만원 - 미도색 버전 5만원

*기타 옵션

1. 선버스트 스트라토캐스터 기타 - 43만원,    2. 몬트레이 스페셜 기타 -45만원

Hendrix Full Custom Figures

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Sold Out!

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early June.

*Shipping Fee: $25 EMS Shipping(Worldwide)

Item No. OBG11HMF - Hendrix Monterey Version Full Custom Figure

*It is a full custom figure, included body.

*Basic head sculpt with Hairband style hair part included.

*Monterey clothing with accessories included.

*Basic Price: $950 USD

Item No. OBG11HHF - Hendrix Hussar Tunic Version Full Custom Figure

*It is a full custom figure, included body.

*Basic head sculpt with Afro style hair part included.

*Hussar tunic clothing with accessories included.

*Basic Price: $1,200 USD

Item No. OBG11HCF - Hendrix Complete Full Custom Figure

*It is a full custom figure, included body.

*Basic head sculpt with Afro style hair part included.

*Monterey clothing with accessories + Hussar tunic & scarf added.

*Basic Price: $1,300 USD

 *Head Option

1. Afro style hair partv -$30

2. Hair band style hair part - $40

3. Hat with hair part - $80

4. Voodoo version head sculpt - $180

5. Rock spirit vesion head sculpt - $180 

*Guitar Option.

1. Sunburst Stratocaster guitar - $430

2. Monterey special guitar - $450


Head sculpt + Hair part + Clothing + Serang's custom hands + Serang's custom ankle boots + 2 type of medals(necklace) + Waist chain + brooch of left chest + Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Hand made full custom Figure Set.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Early June. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For Korean) 한정판 헨드릭스 풀 커스텀 피겨/ 선주문/ 2012년 6월 초 배송예정.

*헤드 + 헤어파트 + 커스텀 핸즈 + 커스텀 구두 + 의상 + 인증서 + 고급 피겨 박스 포함.

*우체국 착불택배 배송

Item No. OBG11HMF - 몬테레이 버전 풀커스텀 피겨 세트 - 기본가격 95만원

Item No. OBG11HHF - 후사르 튜닉 버전 풀커스텀 피겨 세트 - 기본가격 120만원

Item No. OBG11HCF - 컴플리트 풀커스텀 피겨 세트 - 기본가격 130만원

*헤드 옵션

1. 아프로 헤어 파트 3만원

2. 헤어밴드 스타일 헤어 파트 4만원 

3. 모자와 헤어파트 8만원 - 미도색 버전 7만원

4. 부두 버전 헤드 18만원 - 미도색 버전 5만원

5. 롹 스피릿 버전 헤드 18만원 - 미도색 버전 5만원

*기타 옵션

1. 선버스트 스트라토캐스터 기타 - 43만원,     2. 몬트레이 스페셜 기타 -45만원

Item No. OBG11HFDX - Hendrix Full Custom Figure DX

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Sold Out!

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early June.

*Special Price: $2,500 USD($160 saved) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*One Body + 3 Head sculpts + 3 hair parts + Hat + Monterey version clothing with accessories + Hussar tunic with scarf + 2 Guitars included.

*Hand made full custom Figure Set.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Early June. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For Korean) 한정판 헨드릭스 풀커스텀 피겨 디럭스/ 선주문/ 2012년 6월 초 배송예정.

*하나의 바디 + 3종의 헤드 + 3종의 헤어파트 + 선버스트 스트라토캐스터 기타 + 몬트레이 스페셜 기타 + 몬트레이 버전 의상및 액세서리 + 핸드메이드 후사르 튜닉및 스카프 + 모자 + 커스텀 핸즈 + 커스텀 구두 + 인증서 + 고급 피겨 박스 포함.

*특별 할인 가격: 250만원(16만원 할인가격)

*우체국 착불택배 배송

Item No. OBG11HFGP - Hendrix Full Custom Figures Grand Package

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Sold Out!

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Early June.

*Special Price: $3,100 USD($190 saved) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It will be displayed 2 separated full custom figures. 

*2 Body + 3 Head sculpts with 3 hair parts + Hat + Monterey spacial guitar + Sunburst staratocaster guitar + Monterey clothing set with accessories + Hussar tunic version clothing set with accessories included.

*Hand made full custom Figures Set.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Early June. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For Korean) 한정판 헨드릭스 풀 커스텀 피겨 그랜드 패키지/ 선주문/ 2012년 6월 초 배송예정.

*완벽히 독립된 두체의 피겨 세트 구성.

*2개의 바디 + 3종의 헤드 + 3종의 헤어 파트 + 모자 + 선버스트 스트라토캐스터 기타 + 몬테레이 스페셜 기타 + 몬테레이 버전 의상과 액세서리 세트 + 후사르 튜닉버전 의상과 액세서리 세트 + 인증서 + 고급 피겨 박스 포함.

특별 할인 가격: 310만원(19만원 할인가격)

*우체국 착불택배 배송


Item No. BG01
1/6 Scale Hofner Bass Early Type Miniature Guitar

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG01B
Unpainted 1/6 Scale Hofner Bass Early Type Miniature Guitar
*Unpainted Kit; $130 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Included Resin Guitar parts and string only for Unpainted version.(No shoulder strap and decals)

(For Korean)
완성품 Hofner Bass Early Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
가격: 40만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 Hofner Bass Early Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 13만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

Item No. BG02
1/6 Scale Hofner Bass Late Type Miniature Guitar

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG02B
Unpainted 1/6 Scale Hofner Bass Late Type Miniature Guitar
*Unpainted Kit; $130 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Included Resin Guitar parts and string, 'Bassman' sticker only for Unpainted version.(No shoulder strap and decals) 
(For Korean) Hofner Bass Late Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
가격: 40만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 Hofner Bass Late Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 13만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

Item No. BG03
1/6 Scale Gretsch 6128 Miniature Guitar

Order Now

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG03B
Unpainted 1/6 Scale Gretsch 6128 Miniature Guitar
*Unpainted Kit; $130 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Included Resin Guitar parts and string only for Unpainted version.(No shoulder strap and decals) 

(For Korean) Getsch 6128 Guitar / 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
가격: 40만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 Hofner Bass Early Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 13만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

Item No. BG04
1/6 Scale Eppipon Revolution Casino Miniature Guitar

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG04B
Unpainted 1/6 Scale Eppipon Revolution Casino Miniature Guitar
*Unpainted Kit; $130 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Included Resin Guitar parts and string only for Unpainted version.(No shoulder strap and decals) 
(For Korean) Eppipon Revolution Casino / 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정. 
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
가격: 40만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 Hofner Bass Early Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 13만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

Item No. BG05
1/6 Scale Eppipon Casino Sunburst Miniature Guitar

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG05B
Unpainted 1/6 Scale Eppipon Casino Sunburst Miniature Guitar
*Unpainted Kit; $130 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Included Resin Guitar parts and string only for Unpainted version.(No shoulder strap and decals)

(For Korean) Eppipon Casino Sunburst / 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
가격: 40만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 Hofner Bass Early Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 13만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

Item No. BG06
1/6 Scale Telecaster Miniature Guitar

In Progress, Update Soon.

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG06B
Unpainted 1/6 Scale Telecaster Miniature Guitar
*Unpainted Kit; $130 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Included Resin Guitar parts and string only for Unpainted version.(No shoulder strap and decals) 

(For Korean) Telecaster Miniature Guitar / 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
가격: 40만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 Hofner Bass Early Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 13만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

Item No. BG07
1/6 Scale Country Gentleman Miniature Guitar

In Progress, Update Soon.

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG07B
Unpainted 1/6 Scale Country Gentleman Miniature Guitar
*Unpainted Kit; $130 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Included Resin Guitar parts and string only for Unpainted version.(No shoulder strap and decals)
(For Korean) Country Gentleman Miniature Guitar / 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
가격: 40만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 Hofner Bass Early Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 13만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

Item No. BG08
1/6 Scale Rickenbacker 360 Miniature Guitar

In Progress, Update Soon.

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG08B
Unpainted 1/6 Scale Rickenbacker 360 Miniature Guitar
*Unpainted Kit; $130 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Included Resin Guitar parts and string only for Unpainted version.(No shoulder strap and decals)

(For Korean) Rickenbacker 360 Miniature Guitar / 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
가격: 40만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 Hofner Bass Early Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 13만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)


Item No. BG09
1/6 Scale Rickenbacker 325 Miniature Guitar 

In Progress, Update Soon.

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG09B
Unpainted 1/6 Scale Rickenbacker 325 Miniature Guitar
*Unpainted Kit; $130 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*Included Resin Guitar parts and string only for Unpainted version.(No shoulder strap and decals)

(For Korean) Rickenbacker 325 Miniature Guitar / 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
가격: 40만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 Hofner Bass Early Type/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 13만원(우체국 착불택배 배송)

Item No. BG10
Painted Guitar Stand

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Price: $40 USD each + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar Stand'.
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar Stand.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

Item No. BG10B Unpainted Guitar Stand
 *Unpainted Kit; $25 USD each + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide) 

(For Korean) 기타 스탠드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
가격: 개당 4만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 키트 버전 기타 스탠드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
레진으로 캐스팅된 기타 키트(레진 기타 본체만입니다. 멜빵이나 데칼은 들어있지 않습니다)
가격: 25,000원(우체국 착불택배 배송)


Item No. BGJ
John's Guitar 3 Set

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Special Set Price; $1,150 (Saved $50) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

(For Korean) John's Guitar 3 Set/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)
특별 할인 가격: 115만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. BGG
George's Guitar 4 Set

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Special Set Price; $1,500 (Saved $100) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

(For Korean) George's Guitar 4 Set/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)
특별 할인 가격: 150만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. BGP
Paul's Guitar 2 Set

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Special Set Price; $750 (Saved $50) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a 1/6 scale full custom hand made and painted 'Miniature Guitar'.
It is a 'NOT REAL' guitar, please DO NOT PLAYING.  
*High quality resin casted and gorgeous painted guitar, Shoulder strap, Certification card included.
Builded and painted by Serang. 

(For Korean) Paul's Guitar 2 Set/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
커스텀 핸드 메이드 기타 + 핸드 메이드 어깨 끈 + 한정판 인증서 포함.
특별 할인 가격: 75만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )


 Item No. OBG04A

 The Band 'Paul' Painted Head Sculpt

 *Scale: 1/6th
 *Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
 *Item location: S.Korea.
 *Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
 *Price: $180 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG04B
The Band 'Paul' Unpainted Head Sculpt
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpt: $50 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
(For Korean) 도색 버전 The Band 'Paul' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)
가격: 18만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 레진 버전 The Band 'Paul' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
가격: 5만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 ) 


Item No. OBG05A

 The Band 'Ring' Painted Head Sculpt

 *Scale: 1/6th
 *Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
 *Item location: S.Korea.
 *Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
 *Price: $180 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG05B
The Band 'Ring' Unpainted Head Sculpt
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpt: $50 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide) 

(For Korean) 도색버전 The Band 'Ring' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)
가격: 18만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 레진 버전 The Band 'Ring' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
가격: 5만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )  

 Item No. OBG06A

 The Band 'George' Painted Head Sculpt

 *Scale: 1/6th
 *Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
 *Item location: S.Korea.
 *Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
 *Price: $180 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG06B
The Band 'George' Unpainted Head Sculpt
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpt: $50 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide) 

(For Korean) 도색버전 The Band 'George' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)
가격: 18만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 레진 버전 The Band 'George' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
가격: 5만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )  

 Item No. OBG07A

 The Band 'John' Painted Head Sculpt

 *Scale: 1/6th
 *Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
 *Item location: S.Korea.
 *Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
 *Price: $180 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG07B
The Band 'John' Unpainted Head Sculpt
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpt: $50 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide) 

(For Korean) 도색버전 The Band 'John' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함) 
가격: 18만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 레진 버전 The Band 'John' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
가격: 5만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )  

Item No. OBGS01  The Band Painted 4 Head Sculpts Set

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Special Set Price: $670 USD (Saved $50) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBGS01B  The Band Unpainted 4 Head Sculpts Set
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpts 4 Set: $180 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide) 

(For Korean) 도색버전 The Band 헤드 세트/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)
세트 특별 할인 가격: 67만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색버전 The Band 헤드 세트/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
세트 특별 할인 가격: 18만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. OBGS02  
The Band Full Custom Kit Grand Package(Without a Body)

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order SOLD OUT!
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Special Set Price: $2,300 USD (Saved $100) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a Special 4 Set Package of 'The Band' Full Custom Kit with Special Price.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Not included Guitars, the guitar sold separately.  
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBGS02B  
Unpainted The Band Full Custom Kit(Without a Body)
*Unpainted The Band Custom Kit: $1400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide) 
*Included Unpainted Resin casted 4 Head Sculpts + Unpainted Resin Shoes(4 pair) + Custom Made Uniforms(4 set).
*Not included Guitars, the guitar sold separately. 

(For Korean) The Band 풀 커스텀 피겨 키트 4종 세트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정. (한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함) *기타는 별매입니다.
세트 특별 할인 가격: 230만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )품절!

미도색 The Band 풀 커스텀 피겨 키트 4종 세트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정. (한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함) *기타는 별매입니다.
세트 특별 할인 가격: 140만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )품절!

Item No. OBGS03  
The Band Full Custom Figure Grand Package

*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited Edition/ SOLD OUT!
*Item location: S.Korea.
*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.
*Special Set Price: $2,600 USD (Saved $200) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a Special 4 Set Package of 'The Band' Full Custom Figures with Special Price.
*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Not included Guitars, the guitar sold separately.  
*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

(For Korean) The Band 풀 커스텀 피겨 4종 세트/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함) *기타는 별매입니다.
세트 특별 할인 가격: 260만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 ) 


 Item No. OBG07A

 Abbey Road 'Paul' Painted Head Sculpt

 Order Now

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 *Scale: 1/6th

 *Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

 *Item location: S.Korea.

 *Shipping date: Late April~Early May.

 *Price: $180 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG07B

Abbey Road 'Paul' Unpainted Head Sculpt
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpt: $50 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide) 

(For Korean) 페인팅 Abbey Road 'Paul' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.

(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

가격: 18만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 레진 버전 Abbey Road 'Paul' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
가격: 5만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 ) 

 Item No. OBG08A

 Abbey Road 'Ring' Painted Head Sculpt

 Order Now

 View More Details

 *Scale: 1/6th

 *Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

 *Item location: S.Korea.

 *Shipping date: Late April~Early May.

 *Price: $180 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG08B

Abbey Road 'Ring' Unpainted Head Sculpt
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpt: $50 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)  

(For Korean) 페인팅 Abbey Road 'Ring' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.

(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

가격: 18만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 레진 버전 Abbey Road 'Ring' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
가격: 5만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )  

 Item No. OBG09A

 Abbey Road 'George' Painted Head Sculpt

 Order Now

 View More Details

 *Scale: 1/6th

 *Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

 *Item location: S.Korea.

 *Shipping date: Late April~Early May.

 *Price: $180 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG09B

Abbey Road 'George' Unpainted Head Sculpt
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpt: $50 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)  

(For Korean) 페인팅 Abbey Road 'George' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.

(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

가격: 18만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 레진 버전 Abbey Road 'George' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
가격: 5만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )  

 Item No. OBG10A

 Abbey Road 'John' Painted Head Sculpt

 Order Now

 View More Details

 *Scale: 1/6th

 *Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

 *Item location: S.Korea.

 *Shipping date: Late April~Early May.

*Price: $190 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Included Stainless Etched Glasses.(No lens, glasses frame only)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG10B

Abbey Road 'John' Unpainted Head Sculpt
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpt: $60 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)  

*Included Stainless Etched Glasses.(No lens, glasses frame only)

(For Korean) 페인팅 Abbey Road 'John' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.

(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

가격: 19만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 레진 버전 Abbey Road 'John' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.
가격: 6만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )  

Item No. OBGS04  Abbey Road Painted 4 Head Sculpts Set

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View More Details01    View More Details02

View More Details03    View More Details04 

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.

*Special Set Price: $670 USD (Saved $50) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBGS04B  Abbey Road Unpainted 4 Head Sculpts Set
*Unpainted Resin Head Sculpts 4 Set: $190 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide) 

(For Korean) 페인팅 Abbey Road 헤드 세트/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.

(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

세트 특별 할인 가격: 68만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

미도색 Abbey Road 헤드 세트/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.

세트 특별 할인 가격: 19만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 ) 


Item No. OBGS05

Abbey Road Full Custom Kit Grand Package(Without a Body)

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order, SOLD OUT!

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.

*Special Set Price: $2,500 USD (Saved $100) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a Special 4 Set Package of 'Abbey Road' Full Custom Kit with Special Price.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Not included Guitars, the guitar sold separately. 

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBGS05B

Unpainted Abbey Road Full Custom Kit(Without a Body)
*Unpainted Abbey Road Custom Kit: $1600 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide) 
*Included Unpainted Resin casted 4 Head Sculpts + Unpainted Resin Shoes(4 pair) + Custom Made Clothing(4 set).
*Not included Guitars, the guitar sold separately.  

(For Korean) Abbey Road 풀 커스텀 피겨 키트 4종 세트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.

(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함) *기타는 별매입니다.

세트 특별 할인 가격: 250만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )품절!

미도색 Abbey Road 풀 커스텀 피겨 키트 4종 세트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.

(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함) *기타는 별매입니다.

세트 특별 할인 가격: 160만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )품절!


Item No. OBGS06

Abbey Road Full Custom Figure Grand Package

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order, SOLD OUT!

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late April~Early May.

*Special Set Price: $2,800 USD (Saved $200) + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a Special 4 Set Package of 'Abbey Road' Full Custom Figures with Special Price.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.
*Not included Guitars, the guitar sold separately.   

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

(For Korean) Abbey Road 풀 커스텀 피겨 4종 세트/ 선주문/ 2012년 4월말~5월초 배송예정.

(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함) *기타는 별매입니다. 

세트 특별 할인 가격: 280만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )품절!


Item No. SR060. 
Limited 2nd Ranger Battalion Rifle Man Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 제2레인저 소총수 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR059. 
Limited 2nd Ranger Battalion Sniper Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 제2레인저 스나이퍼 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR058. 
Limited 2nd Ranger Battalion BAR Gunner Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 제2레인저 BAR사수 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR057. 
Limited 2nd Ranger Battalion Sergeant Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 제2레인저 상사 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR056. 
Limited 101st Airborne Private Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 101 공수부대 일병 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR040. 
Limited Miller 2nd Ver. Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited last 7 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 밀러 세컨드 버전 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )


Notice: I lost my data of item list page. Now temporary recovered, more items actually available now. It will be reconstruction soon. If you have a interest, please feel free e-mail me.  
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공지: 이번에 업데이트 과정에서 블로그 작동이상으로 작품 리스트 페이지에 많은 데이터를 잃었습니다. 현재는 임시로 오더를 받는 중인 처칠만 리스트에 올라있습니다만 실제로는 아직 약간의 작품들이 남아있습니다. 구입을 원하시거나 문의하실 분들은 로 문의 메일을 주시면 됩니다. 감사합니다.

Item No. OBG03A

Limited Unpainted Jedi Mentor Head.

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ OUT OF STOCK

*Item location: S.Korea.


*High quality resin casted normal version Jedi Mentor head sculpt.

*It will be perfect matched on Sideshow Yoda body.(Ready to install)

*Sculpt: Serang

(For Korean) 고급 레진으로 주형된 미도색 제다이 멘토 헤드/ 선주문/ 

*사이드쇼 요다 바디에 바로 세팅 가능.


Item No. OBG03B

Limited Painted Jedi Mentor Head.

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late August~Early September.

*Price: $250 USD + $35 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Painted Light Saber Option; $60

*High quality artist painted normal version Jedi Mentor head sculpt.

*It will be perfect matched on Sideshow Yoda body.(Ready to install)

*Sculpt & painted: Serang

(For Korean) 페인팅 제다이 멘토 헤드/ 선주문/ 2011년 8월말~9월초 배송예정. 

*사이드쇼 요다 바디에 바로 세팅 가능.

*기본 가격: 25만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

*페인팅 라이트 세이버 옵션 추가 6만원

Item No. OBG03C

Limited Painted Jedi Mentor 'Moving Eyes' Head.

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition


*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late August~Early September.

*Price: $350 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Painted Light Saber Option; $60 

*High quality artist painted 'Moving Eyes' version Jedi Mentor head sculpt.

*It will be perfect matched on Sideshow Yoda body.(Ready to install)

*Sculpt & painted: Serang

(For Korean) 페인팅 제다이 멘토 '무빙 아이' 헤드/ 선주문/ 2011년 8월말~9월초 배송예정. 

*사이드쇼 요다 바디에 바로 세팅 가능.

*기본 가격: 35만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 ) 


*페인팅 라이트 세이버 옵션 추가 60,000원 

Item No. OBG03D

Limited Painted Hover Chair with Stand.

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited EditionSOLD OUT

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late August~Early September.

*Price: $250 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Great display accessory for Jedi Mentor.

*High quality resin casted Hover Chair(Fabric seat cushion) with clear acrylic stand.  

*Sculpt & painted: Serang

(For Korean) 페인팅 호버 체어(천으로 된 쿠션과 투명 아크릴 스탠드 포함)/ 선주문/ 2011년 8월말~9월초 배송예정. 

*가격: 25만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )


Item No. OBG03E

Limited Jedi Mentor Full Custom Kit(Except Body).

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited 10 set


*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late August~Early September.

*Basic Set Price: $700 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)


1. Serang's Custom painted Jedi Mentor Normal Head sculpt 

2. Serang's Custom made Cloth set(Shirts+Trouser+Waist band+Cloak)

3. Light Saber

4. Hover Chair with Clear acrylic stand

5. Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box.


1. Selected Painted 'Moving Eyes' Head Sculpt(Except Normal Head); $70

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*Only 10 set limited in the world.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For Korean) 전세계 10세트 한정 제다이 멘토 풀 커스텀 키트(바디 미포함. 사이드쇼 요다 피겨 바디와 호환).

*페인팅된 노말 버전 헤드 + 라이트 세이버 + 고급 커스텀 의상 + 호버 체어(투명 아크릴 스탠드 포함) + 인증서 + 고급 콜렉션 박스 포함/ 선주문/ 2011년 8월말~9월초 배송예정. 

*기본 가격: 70만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )


*옵션: 무빙 아이 버전 헤드로 교체(노말 버전 헤드 제외); 7만원 추가


Item No. OBG03F
Jedi Mentor Full Custom Figure Limited Set.

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited 7 set/



*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late August~Early September.

*Basic Set Price: $900 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)


1. Serang's Custom painted Jedi Mentor Normal Head sculpt 

2. Sideshow Yoda Body + Repainted 3 pair of Hands + Repainted 2 pair of Foots + Repainted Cane.

3. Serang's Custom made Cloth set(Shirts+Trouser+Waist band+Cloak)

4. Light Saber

5. Hover Chair with Clear acrylic stand

6. Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box.

*Options; Selected Painted 'Moving Eyes' Head Sculpt(Except Normal Head); $50(Special price for full custom figure set buyer)

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*Only 7 set limited in the world.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For Korean) 전세계 7 세트 한정 제다이 멘토 풀 커스텀 피겨.

*페인팅된 노말 버전 헤드 + 사이드쇼 요다 바디 + 리페인팅된 3쌍의 핸즈 + 리페인팅된 2쌍의 발 + 라이트 세이버 + 고급 커스텀 의상 + 호버 체어(투명 아크릴 스탠드 포함) + 인증서 + 고급 콜렉션 박스 포함/ 선주문/ 2011년 8월말~9월초 배송예정. 

*기본 가격: 90만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 ) 



무빙 아이 버전 헤드로 교체(노말 버전 헤드 제외); 5만원 추가(풀세트 구매자 특별가)


Item No. OBG02A

Limited Unpainted Churchill Head.

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $50 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*High quality resin casted cigar version Churchill head sculpt.
*Sculpted by Serang 

Fedora & Silk Hat; $20 each

(For korean section blow) 

고급 레진으로 주형된 미도색 처칠 헤드/ 선주문/ 2011 7월말~8월초 배송예정.
가격: 5만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

옵션으로 중절모와 실크햇 추가 가능

각각 2만원씩

Item No. OBG02B
Limited Unpainted Cigar Version Churchill Head.

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ 


*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $55 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*High quality resin casted cigar version Churchill head sculpt.

*Sculpted by Serang

Fedora & Silk Hat; $20 each

(For korean section blow)
고급 레진으로 주형된 미도색 시가버전 처칠 헤드/ 선주문/
2011 7월말~8월초
가격: 55,000(우체국 착불택배 배송 )


옵션으로 중절모와 실크햇 추가 가능
각각 2만원씩

Item No. OBG02C
Limited Unpainted English bulldog.

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ 


*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $80 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)
*High quality resin casted English bulldog sculpt.

*Sculpt: Serang

(For korean section blow)

고급 레진으로 주형된 미도색 잉글리쉬 불독/ 선주문/ 2011 7월말~8월초 배송예정.

가격: 8만원(우체국 착불택배 배송


Item No. OBG02D

Limited Painted Churchill Head

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $180 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Sculpt and painted: Serang

*Option: Fedora & Silk Hat; $35 each

(For korean section blow) 
처칠 헤드/ 선주문/ 2011 7월말~8월초 배송예정.
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)
가격: 18만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

옵션으로 페인팅  중절모와 실크햇 추가 가능각각 3만5천원씩

Item No. OBG02E
Limited Painted Cigar Version Churchill Head

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ 


*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $200 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Sculpt and painted: Serang

*Option: Fedora & Silk Hat; $35 each

(For korean section blow)

페인팅 시가 버전 처칠 헤드/ 선주문/
2011 7월말~8월초 배송예정(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 ) 


옵션으로 페인팅  중절모와 실크햇 추가 가능각각 3만5천원씩

Item No. OBG02F
Limited Painted English Bulldog

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ 


*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $280 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*Artist custom painted English bulldog with chain + Certification card + High quality collection box included.

*Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For korean section blow) 
잉글리쉬 불독/ 선주문/ 2011 7월말~8월초 배송예정
(한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

가격: 28만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 ) 


Item No. OBG01G. 
Limited Gentleman's Cloth Set

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*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ SOLD OUT

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $350 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*It is a high quality custom made cloth set.

*Fat body suit, White dress shirts, Black vest, Grey stripe trouser with suspenders, Black dress jacket with White handkerchief, Dark blue bow tie.

*Certification Card included.

(For korean section blow) 한정판 신사 정장 세트/ 선주문/ 2011 7월말~8월초 배송예정.

체형 보정용 바디 수트 + 화이트 드레스 셔츠 + 검정 조끼 + 멜빵이 달린 그레이 스트라이프 정장바지 + 흰색 핸커치프가 달린 고급 검정 자켓 + 물방울 무늬 나비 넥타이 + 인증서 포함

가격: 35만원(우체국 착불택배 배송SOLD OUT


Item No. OBG02H.
Limited Sir Winston Churchill Full Custom Kit (Except Body).

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View Detail Photos 01

View Detail Photos 02

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ SOLD OUT

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $750 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*This is a Sir Winston Churchill Full Custom Kit.(Body Not Included)


1. Serang's Custom painted Churchill Normal Head sculpt 

2. Serang's Custom Hands and Black Shoes(ACI Toys)

3. Custom made clothes; Fat body suit, White dress shirts, Black vest, Grey stripe trouser with suspenders, Black dress jacket with White handkerchief, Dark blue bow tie.

4. Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box.


1. Selected Painted Cigar Ver. Head Sculpt(Except Normal Head); $10

2. Add Extra Painted Cigar Ver. Head Sculpt; $180 (Special price for full set buyer)

3. Fedora & Silk Hat; $35 each

4. Wood cane & Black stick; $35 each

5. Cigar Case; $30

6. Pocket watch with chain; $40

7. English bulldog with chain; $250 (Special price for full set buyer)

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Late July~Early August. 2011.

Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For korean section blow)
윈스턴 처칠경 커스텀 키트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2011 7월말~8월초 배송예정.

윈스턴 처칠 기본 헤드 + TTL 바디 + 커스텀 핸즈() + 구두(ACI Toys) + 체형 보정용 바디 수트 + 화이트 드레스 셔츠 + 검정 조끼 + 멜빵이 달린 그레이 스트라이프 정장바지 + 흰색 핸커치프가 달린 고급 검정 자켓 + 물방울 무늬 나비 넥타이 + 인증서 + 고급 피겨 박스 포함

기본구성 가격: 75만원(우체국 착불택배 배송SOLD OUT


1. 시가 버전 헤드로 교체; 1만원 추가

2. 기본헤드 포함 시가 버전 헤드 추가; 18만원(풀세트 구매자 특별가)

3. 중절모와 실크햇; 각각 35천원씩

4. 나무 지팡이와 블랙 스틱; 각각 35천원씩

5. 시가 케이스; 3만원

6. 회중시계; 4만원
7. 잉글리쉬 불독; 25만원(풀세트 구매자 특별가)

Item No. OBG02I.
Limited Sir Winston Churchill Full Custom Figure.

Order Now

View Detail Photos 01

View Detail Photos 02

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ SOLD OUT

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $800 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*This is a Sir Winston Churchill Full Custom Figure Set. 


1. Serang's Custom painted Churchill Normal Head sculpt + TTL Body 

2. Serang's Custom Hands and Black Shoes(ACI Toys)

3. Custom made clothes; Fat body suit, White dress shirts, Black vest, Grey stripe trouser with suspenders, Black dress jacket with White handkerchief, Dark blue bow tie.

4. Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box.


1. Selected Painted Cigar Ver. Head Sculpt(Except Normal Head); $10

2. Add Extra Painted Cigar Ver. Head Sculpt; $180 (Special price for full set buyer)

3. Fedora & Silk Hat; $35 each

4. Wood cane & Black stick; $35 each

5. Cigar Case; $30

6. Pocket watch with chain; $40

7. English bulldog with chain; $250 (Special price for full set buyer)

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Late July~Early August. 2011.

Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For korean section blow)
윈스턴 처칠경 커스텀 피겨 세트/ 선주문/ 2011 7월말~8월초 배송예정.

윈스턴 처칠 기본 헤드 + TTL 바디 + 커스텀 핸즈() + 구두(ACI Toys) + 체형 보정용 바디 수트 + 화이트 드레스 셔츠 + 검정 조끼 + 멜빵이 달린 그레이 스트라이프 정장바지 + 흰색 핸커치프가 달린 고급 검정 자켓 + 물방울 무늬 나비 넥타이 + 인증서 + 고급 피겨 박스 포함


기본구성 가격: 80만원(우체국 착불택배 배송


1. 시가 버전 헤드로 교체; 1만원 추가

2. 기본헤드 포함 시가 버전 헤드 추가; 18만원(풀세트 구매자 특별가)

3. 중절모와 실크햇; 각각 35천원씩

4. 나무 지팡이와 블랙 스틱; 각각 35천원씩

5. 시가 케이스; 3만원

6. 회중시계; 4만원

7. 잉글리쉬 불독; 25만원(풀세트 구매자 특별가) 

Item No. OBG02J.
Limited Sir Winston Churchill Full Custom Figure 'DX Set'.

Order Now

View Detail Photos 01

View Detail Photos 02

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ SOLD OUT

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: Late July~Early August

*Price: $1400 USD + $25 EMS Shipping Fee(Worldwide)

*This is a Sir Winston Churchill 'Deluxe' Full Custom Figure Set. 

Two type head sculpt and All accessories Included;

1. Serang's custom painted Churchill normal head sculpt + TTL Body 

2. Extra custom painted Churchill cigar ver. head sculpt

3. Serang's Custom Hands and Black Shoes(ACI Toys)

4. Custom made clothes; Fat body suit, White dress shirts, Black vest, Grey stripe trouser with suspenders, Black dress jacket with White handkerchief, Dark blue bow tie.

5. Fedora & Silk Hat + Wood cane & Black stick + Cigar Case + Pocket watch with chain + English bulldog with chain.

6. Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on Late July~Early August. 2011.

Full custom works by Serang Kim

(For korean section blow)
윈스턴 처칠경 커스텀 피겨 디럭스 세트/ 선주문/ 2011 7월말~8월초 배송예정.

1. 윈스턴 처칠 기본 헤드 + 시가 버전 헤드 + TTL 바디 + 커스텀 핸즈()

2. 구두(ACI Toys) + 체형 보정용 바디 수트 + 화이트 드레스 셔츠 + 검정 조끼 + 멜빵이 달린 그레이 스트라이프 정장바지 + 흰색 핸커치프가 달린 고급 검정 자켓 + 물방울 무늬 나비 넥타이

3. 중절모와 실크햇 + 나무 지팡이와 블랙 스틱 + 시가 케이스 + 회중시계 + 잉글리쉬 불독

4. 인증서 + 고급 피겨 박스 포함

가격: 140만원(국내 DX세트 구매자 무료 배송
) 품절



Only Last One Left - Full Custom Miller.
Available Painted Head Sculpt and Unpainted.

SR038 Warrior Version Full custom Figure 
Thank You!

SR037 Spartacus Warrior Painted Kit(Without Body)
SR036 Spartacus Warrior D.I.Y Kit(Without Body)
SR035 Spartacus Fighting Head Sculpt(Painted)
SR034 Spartacus Fighting Head Sculpt(Unpainted)

Serang's Very Original Full Custom Figure & Head Sculpt.
Three Different Type Full Set & Head Sculpt.
Full Set is Only 5 Each In The World!
All Cloth and Accessories is Custom Painted & Weathered!
It is a true Master Piece!
Shipping End Of May.2010.
Thank You.




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