Art Shop

Saving Private Ryan Series.

serang 2011. 11. 18. 14:39

Item No. SR060. 
Limited 2nd Ranger Battalion Rifle Man Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 제2레인저 소총수 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR059. 
Limited 2nd Ranger Battalion Sniper Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 제2레인저 스나이퍼 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR058. 
Limited 2nd Ranger Battalion BAR Gunner Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 제2레인저 BAR사수 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR057. 
Limited 2nd Ranger Battalion Sergeant Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 제2레인저 상사 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR056. 
Limited 101st Airborne Private Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited 15 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 101 공수부대 일병 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. SR040. 
Limited Miller 2nd Ver. Painted Head Sculpt
*Scale: 1/6th
*Available: Limited last 7 pieces.

*Item location: S.Korea


*Price: $180 USD + $25 USD (Worldwide)

*Painted Head Sculpt + Certification Card + High Quality Collection Box Included.
*It will be shipped on Mid~Late December. 2011.
*It will be fit Hot toys, DML, Toys City Body, or many other body.
Head Sculpt and painted: Serang

(For Korean) 밀러 세컨드 버전 페인팅 헤드/ 선주문/ 12월 중순~말 발송예정.
(헤드 + 한정판 인증서 + 고급 헤드 상자 포함)
가격: 20만원(우체국 착불택배 배송 )